Book Now Button On Your Google Business Profile
Why You Need A Book Now Button and Why Google Might Say NO!
Having a BOOK NOW button on your Google Business Profile is a proven driver of business AND helps your profile rank better. But Google may not let you have one!
In the past anyone could add a booking link to their Google Business Profile, but like many good things online, Google has decided to take greater control of this business driver.

Having worked with small businesses for over 20 years I can confidently say that giving your customers the option of making online bookings is one of the greatest drivers of new business there is. This is true of your website and it is true of your Google Business Profile (previously called Google My Business). Another clear fact is that the more Google tools you use, the better Google likes you and the higher your business will rank. This is also true of both your website and your Google Business Profile.
Benefits of online bookings include:
- Being able to satisfy customer needs 24/7
- Reduced time taking phone calls
- Taking payment or deposits at time of booking
- Reduced cancellations (because payment has been made)
So the conclusion is that if it is possible for your business you should have a BOOK NOW button on your website and the same on your Google Business Profile. You can use a booking plugin/app on your website or your button can link to a separate paid online booking service of which there are now many with a full range of options to suite almost any business type. The options have reduced again however because Google now only allows book now buttons on business profiles if you use a Google approved booking provider.
The second limitation is that Google now decides whether it thinks your business should be allowed to take bookings online. It makes the decision based on your primary business type. Beauty salons, hair dressers, medical practices and restaurants are among those Google will allow and others are being added as they see fit.
Despite the limitations imposed by Google, if your business qualifies and you should make every effort to get a booking link on to your Google Business Profile. If you qualify, then so do your competitors and having the booking button may well be the difference between your business appearing in the search "3 pack" or not. If you currently use an online booking service you should contact them and ask if they are approved by Google. If they are they will provide the information required to get the button published. If you don't currently have on online booking service you can find the list of approved providers here.
Websites With Purpose are experts at helping small businesses set up online booking strategies and systems. If you need assistance please contact us.